Aware of a dull ache in the bladder area the other morning I noticed that it and Mouse, lying on top of it, were obeying Newton's first law “Every body perseveres in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed”
p = (w x d) + (c/a2)
w is the weight of the cat
d is the distance to the window
a is the amount of ale consumed the previous evening
c the capacity of the bladder
It's enough to instil a fear of cats (Aclurophobia) in a person!
Talking of phobias, I have some advice for would be competitors on 'America's Next Top Model.' Girls, when you get to the box marked phobias on your application form just put the word NONE otherwise, as sure as eggs is eggs, your assignments will include hanging from the top of a tall skyscraper, being caged up with a million man-eating spiders or having to spend an evening listening to Tyra Banks talk about her Mom if you've listed Acrophobia, Arachnephobia or Tyrannophobia amongst your fears.
It could be even worse if Homophobia is on your list, as you'll be subjected 24/7 to a bunch of mincing gay boys doing your make-up, hair, taking your photo and showing you how to cat-walk!