Sunday 22 March 2009

Nine Bar Blues

Out last night at San Jose's bar run - Ibiza favourites Pota Lait playing live from the back of a truck in front of each of the Nine Bars in the Village centre - I was reminded of a story concerning one of them.

The Bar Can Llorenc had been closed for a while and I was having my haircut at Loli's just across the passage about a year ago. It's the village's top place for catching up on what's happening so I asked Loli what was happening.

The pasteleria were moving into the bar in March. I said it's March now and she said 'yes, but they didn't say which March!'

It was of course March 2009, so they're now open.

Here's Loli and her salon
Don't be fooled by that glamour puss on the window. Most of the female clients are in for a quick chin pluck and a back shave for the blokes!

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