A series of unrelated tales connected only by references to God's Fresh Air.
As yesterday was a perfect Ibiza Saturday, warm, sunny and with no work commitments, we decided not to relax but to do a bit of spring gardening. Turning all the radiators OFF we flung open every door and window to allow God's Fresh Air (and four cats) to enter, circulate, and exit at will.
Our gardening efforts required precise planning and the sort of logistical wherewithal that helps you do a Rubik's cube in about 15 seconds (life skills or what?) as we were re-potting, re-using and transferring pretty well everything in a pot to another pot (only bigger.)
Here are my tips based on lessons learned.
If you are potting up 200 litres worth of pots then do buy more than 80 litres of compost.
If you are trying to pick up and carry an enormous terracotta pot containing succulents to another part of the roof, do not walk backwards when there are several steamer chairs scattered about behind you.
If you wish to avoid blisters all over your hands when spending an afternoon digging, then do wear the gloves you went all the way to the garage to get.
As yesterday was a perfect Ibiza Saturday, warm, sunny and with no work commitments, we decided not to relax but to do a bit of spring gardening. Turning all the radiators OFF we flung open every door and window to allow God's Fresh Air (and four cats) to enter, circulate, and exit at will.
Here are my tips based on lessons learned.
If you are potting up 200 litres worth of pots then do buy more than 80 litres of compost.
If you are trying to pick up and carry an enormous terracotta pot containing succulents to another part of the roof, do not walk backwards when there are several steamer chairs scattered about behind you.
If you wish to avoid blisters all over your hands when spending an afternoon digging, then do wear the gloves you went all the way to the garage to get.
New Plants on the Balcony
As predicted by Old Testament scribes -
"Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and smite them on their own midden"
Ezra 10:4
- God's team won on Friday night. Arriving without a pack of forwards Saints still out-monstered the Bulls leaving them clutching at God's Fresh Air when on the attack and producing a magnificent scrambling defensive effort in the second half.
Also on Friday night our team came third in the quiz. (it would have been second if our chosen scribe had chosen to copy the correct answers onto the neat sheet for marking, rather than make up his own incorrect ones.)
Any road, winning was not important, but beating Bob the Vicar's team was, which we did, by a similar margin to the Saints – Bulls game. Bob had obviously been on a shopping spree at San Jose Clown School (yes we really do have one) and was sporting the most voluminous pair of comfy trousers ever seen.
If he ever had any fertility problems (a lack of begatting for example) before, they would have certainly disappeared with the amount of God's Fresh Air that entered, circulated and exited during the course of the evening!
Just joking Bob, no need for any smiting!
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