Tuesday 22 September 2009

La Ley de Murphy

We even have Murphy's law in Ibiza, if it can go wrong it will.

Like on Sunday when I took Marli for a long walk, the heavens only opened when we were as far away from the car as we could be.

And yesterday, when I finally found a programme I really wanted to watch on the telly this summer (500 channels x 30 programmes a day x 90 days = 1 out of 1.35 million programmes) it rained so heavily that we lost reception!!

It was 'Flavours of Spain' and featured food in Zaragoza (where I've been) and Teruel and Salamanca (where i want to go). Maybe they'll repeat it?

Anyway, here's a taste of what I missed. It's Zaragoza's Tapas Alley - I can still remember the Pimientos Padron and baby octopus I had there - which is known locally as El Tubo - The Tube - because it's long and narrow.

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