Friday 24 August 2007

The Boy, The Tree and me.

May I formally introduce 'the boy' Charlestonworth Flyguy III or Charlie to one and all?

I am slowly but surely building up a portfolio of trees in the district that I have scaled in order to rescue Charlie boy. I added another yesterday (mid bbq) when Jaki shouted that a podenco (local hunting dog) was chasing the boy round the back field. To cut a long story short, after I'd run around like a headless chicken looking for him, Jaki found him atop the tall carob tree where she'd last seen him. Anyway, I climbed up, got him down and he ran off.

Here's my tip. if you are running round in a field like a headless chicken and climbing tall carob trees, ensure that your footwear is a little more robust than a pair of Birkenstock sandals.

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