Thursday 3 April 2008

Paint by Numbers Ibiza Style

You know how in normal places if you want to paint a wall, for example, you get a colour chart, choose your colour and then buy the corresponding paint from the shop?

Well it's the same, but different in Ibiza. Here you go through stages one to three (above) but there's a stage four which is when you discover that the paint you bought is nothing like the sample on the chart and you go back to stage one.

Dani, manager of our local paint shop, had us on the Christmas card and present list we had spent so much money there. One day he said, 'Your house must be like a rainbow inside with all the colours I've sold you.' My reply was, 'No, we've only got two coloured walls but they're both a centimetre thicker than all the other ones because of the many coats of paint they've had!'

Five Coats of Blue Paint Please

Dani then confirmed what we'd suspected all along, 'The colour of the paint in the pot is nothing like the colour on the chart!'

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