Any old people reading this please don't ask me to explain what Twitter is
Any old people reading this please don't ask me to explain what Twitter is
So, this is what two tonnes of logs looks like when it's been neatly stacked in the garage. Pine on one side, olive on the other, and all on pallets to allow air and mice to circulate freely throughout. And this is what it will look like on a freezing January night................ click me
And why do we choose to buy so much wood in the heat of August? Because dry wood costs less than wet wood as it is much lighter and is bought by weight, and of course it burns rather than steams as wet wood does.
Anyway, after all that stacking, a pizza and a bottle of red wine, I slept like a log all night!
Can you imagine, when your tank's been on red for ages, nipping out to put petrol in and there being none at the petrol station - only diesel. OK, OK, it happens all the time in Rwanda, but at least the beer's cheap there, The car's still sitting on the drive with a pipette full of unleaded in the bottom of the tank in the hope that they'll have remembered to order some more Sin Plomo 95 by the end of the week.
Dali and Federico Garcia Lorca in Cadaques
The idea he came up with was to sit in a chair with a spoon in his hand and as he drifted into the arms of Morpheus his grip on the spoon would relax, the spoon would hit the floor tiles and the clattering noise would wake him up, having had just enough sleep.
Dali's well used cutlery
Whether it would work for me, I'm not sure, as yesterday not even the washing machine jogging past on 1200 rpm woke me.
Thanks to the rain Eastmond was able to aquaplane in the last couple of yards to score the winner.