Sunday 25 April 2010

Ibiza Low Rollers

Did you know that the Spanish are at work for many more hours than the rest of Western Europe? And did you know that they're around 40% less productive than the rest of Western Europe.

So who better to ask for advice on getting a job done that 'looks OK for a bit but isn't quite as good as if you'd done it properly' than Dani's brother at the paint shop.

His advice to me was to use the pole for the roller we'd bought to paint high walls to linseed oil the decking. Tons easier than rawming about on your hands and knees with a brush, but not so penetrative.

And Voila! 10 minutes later I'd done a job that normally takes days.

And now a joke.
A man from Barcelona (where they have a normal work ethic) is in one of the big government offices in Madrid one afternoon and nobody is there bar the cleaner.
Don't they work here in the afternoon, he asks.
No, she replies, they don't work here in the morning, they just don't come here in the afternoon!

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