Saturday 3 April 2010

The Long Good Friday: Ibiza

They have everything in Palma. I saw this phone with a screen you can touch, and it's so big you can see the time AND read the writing if you set it to super huge 26 pt font.

It's even got a camera. Handy for me on nights out when things get a bit blurry after 2 pints, I just snap away and piece it all together the next day. So I went watching the Maradonnas at Raco Verd last night, great band comprised of Claude from Destino on vocals and the lad who chefs there on lead guitar with some others.

I got a good seat by arriving way too early at 22.10 for the 22.00 start.

Ignore that clock, it's stopped.

Anyway, by 23.05 when the band strode majestically on stage, I'd had a few scoops and things got pretty blurry.

See what I mean?

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