Sunday 2 November 2008

Controversial Comedy Corner

Living in Ibiza can sometimes be like inhabiting a parallel universe where things happen exactly the same but completely different to the real world. Take the furore over the messages left on a 78 year old actor's answering machine by controversial comedians Brand and Ross.
An exact mirror image of this very same situation happened in Ibiza recently (but wasn't quite so headline grabbing) when a 75 year old man (my dad) left a series of strange messages on the answering machine of Ibiza's
top comedy blogger (moi.)
Nothing odd in that, after all I had instructed him to inform me immediately should my mother ever fall well and wake up not suffering from any malady (apart from hypochondria) listed in Webster's Medical Dictionary.
The funny thing is, I don't have an answering machine, and the dozy old codger had been ringing the number we abandoned 4 years ago and now owned by someone wealthy enough to have a contestador!
What the messages were, we'll never know, as the
memory man has completely forgotten the entire incident.

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