Saturday 24 January 2009

Heat Seeking Felines

Our five felines, all natives of Ibiza, are to say the least, a bit 'girlie' when it comes to the cold. No matter where they are, as soon as our fire gets lit, they all appear as if by magic. (A bit like the old woman when we put the kettle on for a brew.)

However, occasionally they find an alternative source of heat. Here's me suffering from raging 'flu and running sweltering temperatures - or as Thora Hird would say, 'a bit of a sniffly cold.'

L to R Mouse, Flossie, Spook, Me

Talking of Thora Hird, many years ago, soon after we'd moved into a big drafty Edwardian Terrace on the Stretford/Chorlton Border (StreChoBo) we were approached by our film/TV director neighbour Alan Murgatroyd.

Could he make a film in our front room? He sure could! The production starred Thora telling old biddies everywhere how to insulate their rooms against the cold in a before and after scenario.

Our front room was the 'before.' With gaping cracks in the floorboards, no carpets, and a gap under the door big enough for a limbo dancer our house was the ideal example of how not to live!

Interestingly, the 'after' shots of a cosy, warm room were filmed next door but one, in the identically shaped front room of Mrs. Clark. She'd live alone there since 1958, when her sports reporter husband had been killed in the Munich air disater which took the lives of many Manchester United players!

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