Friday 5 June 2009

Ibiza Check In

Every so often, if I've not heard from the old people in St. Helens, I get them to check in with me via email to ensure that they're both not lying dead of Diogenes Syndrome behind the front door.

As I've not checked in blogwise for some while I thought I'd proffer some proof of my continued existence by publishing a photo of a kitten. She's one of the litter born in our cactus patch and now living in German occupied territory across the road.

Known to us as Tiny Tillie, the Germans have called her Llum, which means light in Catalan.

Whilst I've not followed the family tradition of being dead behind the front door, I have followed the one of having an MRI scan. If ever you can't afford to get in Space for a Carl Cox session, just nip down to the clinic for a scan, the loud bleeps are pretty much identical to Carl's well planned electronica.

Marli had a brush with death herself yesterday. A shower, or death by a thousand clean water droplets as it is known around here. Here's a photo of her cartoon like claw marks scraping over the decking as I dragged her back to the torture chamber, or shower as it is known round here.

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