Monday 21 July 2008

Sacre Bleu

Oh no, not another anti-French diatribe! Yup, the Froggies are at it again and have roused my entente discordiale.............this time some female Frenchy (interviewed by the press at Ibiza airport) has been moaning that there's too many English in Ibiza and that it's like being in England in the bars here.

Unfortunately for the island economy, if Ibiza's bars were full of Los Froggos, they'd all be shut within a week as you can't run a bar selling five black coffees a night.

Out at La Ruta last night we witnessed a demonstration of the French Martial art of Zut Alors when a crowd of them arrived en masse (ever wondered why we use a French term to describe enormous groups of people milling pointlessly about?) and proceeded to hor y hor their way to the table next to us.

The nine elegantly clad big spenders gorged themselves on two pizzas, two beers and two bottles of water before disappearing noisily into the night! That's less than we had before we disappeared off to Can Bernat for a few G&T's.

I wonder if they left a tip?

Bar owners needn't cover their eyes and shout mamma mia should any Italians hove into view, cos none of them ever will. Spending money isn't on the agenda for these lads but schlepping about in flip flops, floral swim shorts with no pockets and a towel slung casually over your naked shoulders is.

My observations in the Casablanca on Saturday night lead me to believe that the point of all the shuffling about is to avoid anything that has to be paid for and to find somewhere where you can admire your own reflection.

Allah be praised that I've only been unkind to nationalities with a low fatwa risk in my blog!

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